How Apple feels about net neutrality.

In a comment to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), technology giant Apple championed for the open internet to remain the framework for any net neutrality policies.

The comment is a response to FCC chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to roll back net neutrality restrictions and marks Apple’s first comment on the matter.

Here’s a guide to catching up on the net neutrality battle.

Apple’s comment sites the company’s “respect for our customers’ security, privacy, and control over personal information” as reasons for maintaining an “open internet.”  Apple’s letter then advocates for the following key policies:

  • Consumer choice: Restrictions against blocking or throttling content.
  • No paid fast lanes: Broadband providers should not be able to “pick internet winners and losers.”
  • Transparency: Full disclosure related to contract services and fees.
  • Competition: Continues to provide consumers with a choice of providers.
  • Innovation and investment: Brings tech to customers without restriction.

You can read the full document here.

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