3 Safety Measures Changing Business WiFi

3 Safety Measures Changing Business WiFi

COVID-19 has changed the way businesses operate. Many positions have now been decentralized to allow or encourage remote working, while others rejoin in the workspace. In compliance, and to embrace the new expectations of employees, business owners/managers are...
The 4 biggest reasons to get fiber optics for your business

The 4 biggest reasons to get fiber optics for your business

In a time when almost all business information is online, having a secure and fast internet connection has never been more important than it is today. Fiber optic services are more than just the technology of the future. Here are the top 5 ways fiber optic internet...
Business Owners: Meet the newest generation of wow – Wi-Fi 6

Business Owners: Meet the newest generation of wow – Wi-Fi 6

It seems like every wireless provider is boasting about the incredible speed of 5G and the possibilities it creates for our smartphone brandishing, constantly-on-the-go lifestyles. For business owners, especially those hosting remote workers, Wi-Fi speed and network...
VoIP for Small Businesses; Is it worth it?

VoIP for Small Businesses; Is it worth it?

What is VoIP? VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and is the technology that converts your voice into a digital signal, which allows you to make a call directly from a computer, VoIP phone, or another data-driven device. Basically, it’s a phone service...
8 Big reasons your business needs access control.

8 Big reasons your business needs access control.

As it should be, building security is a common concern for most businesses. Yet many owners may not see the need or value of an access control system. Why does my business need an Access Control System? Let’s discuss some of the most common reasons Central Ohio...
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