Data Stolen From Computer Using Monitor Brightness

Data Stolen From Computer Using Monitor Brightness

The conventional wisdom of computer security holds that the most sensitive data should live exclusively in “air-gapped” systems without a network connection. Though no security protocol is completely foolproof. We’ve seen a few methods of extracting data from...
The Workplace Is Being Reborn with Modern Tech

The Workplace Is Being Reborn with Modern Tech

You’ve probably noticed that the modern workplace looks a lot ­different than it did just five years ago, and technology is both driving the change and enabling it. While there is a lot of talk about the future of work, I’d argue that the future has arrived, and any...
How to Set Up Centrally Managed Backups for Your Small Business

How to Set Up Centrally Managed Backups for Your Small Business

If you run a small business where computers and employees come and go, it’s quite likely that your backup strategy is a bit of a mess. Chances are, you probably rely on your users to pay attention to whether their data is actually being safely backed up. A recent...
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