3 Avoidable Mistakes that Cause Data Loss

3 Avoidable Mistakes that Cause Data Loss

We all know how important data security should be to your organization. Whether it is a global security threat, a rogue employee or a simple user error that opens the door, your company’s productivity can skid to a screeching halt. Lately, these scenarios have...
Massive Windows Code Leak confirmed by Microsoft

Massive Windows Code Leak confirmed by Microsoft

Last Friday, a bombshell report claimed that a massive leak of the Windows source code had taken place and was now available online. That leak — claimed to be 32TB — would represent an absolutely enormous amount of Windows code, dwarfing the Windows 2000 leak that...
Best Cloud backup solutions

Best Cloud backup solutions

How secure is your data? You know that backups are important. You may already have a local backup to protect against hardware failure. That’s a great beginning, but if you’re not storing your data offsite also, it’s not really safe. Thieves, fire, and natural...
Protecting Internet Privacy

Protecting Internet Privacy

Say good-bye to your internet privacy – not that you ever really had privacy anyway. Since the House of Representatives voted to reverse regulations preventing the sale of your web browsing history, your internet provider is free to sell your data without you...
How To: Reduce the vulnerability of your email.

How To: Reduce the vulnerability of your email.

You can start by understanding there are dark places and dark minds out there, criminals who would hack into your internet devices and steal or corrupt your information. It’s why all emails should be encrypted. But, why would anyone want your stuff? Mike G., a...
Stop using your computer anti-virus?

Stop using your computer anti-virus?

Republished from arstechnica. Update your software and OS regularly instead and practice skeptical computing. Former Firefox developer Robert O’Callahan says that antivirus software is terrible, AV vendors are terrible, and that you should uninstall your...